Showing posts with label Angel of.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel of.... Show all posts


Angel of Hope

Angel of Hope

Join hands across the world. Join hearts across the world. Put aside differences. Appreciate that we are all beings of love wanting love and needing love. Look at each other with love and hope, not with hate and despair. Do not judge, just accept. Wrap positive thoughts around each other for comfort and warmth. Come out of the cold and dark to the sunshine of hope. Grow with vibrations of peace and spread them to everyone.

Strength comes when wisdom is gained. Every path leads to a solution. It is an aspiration to help all to the path where inner peace resides.

Love is a powerful word that needs to be heard and felt by many. Many have been on a hard-traveled road. There is hope for all beings. The beacons of the light of love bring hope to those who have no hope at all.

To see should reach and feel their own inner strength and harmony is love itself. Faith is a starting place. Gentleness will occur. A peaceful approach to achievement will be everlasting. Attainment to one’s purpose will unfold with every step and every breath taken. Be a transmitter of love, and hope will occupy your heart.

By Samara Anjelae

So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to Him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to Him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship. Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but change within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you: you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect. Romans 12:10-11, 13

Dear Lord,

Take these words that I have written and help me to explain how you opened my eyes. How you helped me to become that beacon of light to all I meet so that I may give them the same hope and peace you have given me.

Lord you were with me when my light went out and I could not find my way. I felt your presence leading me even though I did not know where You were leading me.

At first Lord I fought with you, I wanted to keep control of everything and there was a gentle tug of war. In time it became clear where you were leading me and I joyously followed You.

Since that dark time I have tried to be that person for others, that person that brings people to your light. You have taught me well and many have now come to you, not with my faith or on my path but following their own path as you have laid it before them. When you were teaching me I was the kind of person who thought everyone needed to be the same as me. You showed me that everyone has their own path and through you they will find the right one.

I see so many who are lost and have lost all their hope. I go to them and share my story. I listen to their story and try to give them a little of my hope like a seed I carefully plant it and hope that it grows. I tend it like a good gardener would and sometime it grows to a strong hope that is alive and whole. Many times it gets off to a good start them withers and dies, and no amount of tending can get it to grow again. But you have taught me to not give up even as the hope dies there still might be a small piece deep inside still holding on to that hope. I might not see it till once again it shines.

When someone comes to know you Lord and I have been a light for them to find you it makes me glow. I see that hope and peace in them and many times they will thank me for bringing that hope back into their life. I tell them it is not anything I have done, it is the Lord working through me, I am a vessel for his light to lead the way to the Lord.

The Lord gives me the words like he is now to bring back that hope and peace to all that I meet who are lost in the dark like I was.

I feel so blessed and I praise my Lord every day for helping me to see His light and for leading me to a path that I can be a small light out of the darkness and to the light of the Lord. For I’m not perfect, I’m human and still make mistakes. Sometime my little candle gets dim and I lose my way again. Then I pray and I see the light ahead again and I know it’s my Lord leading me back to the right path again.

To me that is what a good gardener should be someone who plants the seeds for the Lord and helps them to grow to know Jesus Christ our Lord. The Lord knows that even a good gardener can have seeds that won’t grow or seeds that will never be as strong as other seeds, but we should never give up on our garden for we were once a seed that God helped grow and he never gave up on me and I thank Him every day for that. I thank him for all the many wonderful blessings God has brought to my life.

I truly believe that the day my health and life changed God was with me leading me and although I resisted I’m so happy I finally came to His light.

Right now it seems the whole world is in the dark. So many are going through so many trials and have lost their way. Those of us who carry the light of the Lord our God and Savoir need to seek out those that are lost and give them hope and peace. Each of us should help even one person into the light of the Lord and out of darkness.

When I met someone in the darkness I take their hand, I help them sow a tiny seed of hope and teach them how to make it grow in the warm sunshine.

Will you join me in the garden and help others plant a seed of hope? I promise you it’s the most wonderful job you’ll ever have.

The Garden Angel


Angel of Forgiveness

The ability to forgive is a true test of growth. When the heart and mind are in conflict, the body carries the stress of the situation. Carrying anger and resentment is not in the body’s best interest. The body gets sick. If resentment is carried for long periods of time, the body becomes a home for disease.

How do you learn to forgive, especially if much harm and hurt have taken place? Trust the universe to provide the proper action. The wise soul knows that we reap what we sow. When we learn to forgive others, we also learn to forgive ourselves. True forgiving comes from the heart. Words cannot create the feelings. Serenity replaces resentment and anger. The process of letting go differs for each soul. Some souls must experience different phases of hurt and anger for their own growth.

Let go of what you cannot control and accept your responsibilities. Peace and a shift in consciousness will come. This lays a smoother foundation for the next lesson on forgiveness. The soul, who forgives and releases their resentment, moves to a place of tranquility and serenity. Forgivingness is the key to your own liberation.

If you truly forgive, then it reflects in your life and provides encouragement and hope for those around you. During this time when you need to be forgiven or need to forgive someone, reach out and ask for angelic help.

By Samara Anjelae

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord when my fellow believer sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Should I forgive him as many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he does wrong to you seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18:21-22

But I say to you, Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. Matthew 5:44
Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Many times in life others will do things that hurt you. As a Christian God asks that we forgive our enemies as God forgave our sins. So many times the pain of the hurt runs deep into our soul and that pain is hard to forgive, and impossible to forget. Holding on to resentment, anger and pain can create more physical and mental pain in the long run. Revenge is never sweet but only causes more pain.

So what can we do as Christians when we are hurt by others? When I have been in this situation I try to remember that God knows my heart and that of the person who hurt me. He asks me to forgive and pray for that person.

God gave each of us free will, and by giving us free will we are free to make our own choices and thus our own mistakes. Some choices hurt others and sometime we do not see that that choice hurts another. So we go on never knowing how much that one choice hurt another. They might be so blind to how that choice hurt another that even when we are told how that choice hurt another we will still do not see it.

When a lie or rumor is spread about us. Arguing about who is right and who is wrong never proves anything. He said, She said never brings out the truth. God knows the truth of your soul. God knows the truth of the other person’s soul. Because trying to change others feelings or changing their views of how they see things is impossible it’s better to just forgive them, pray for them and give it to the Lord to sort it out. I know this is very hard to do; I have been there many times. I have found that by forgiving that person, letting them know you understand that you cannot change their point of view and that you truly do not hold any ill will toward them, then truly give it to the Lord. End the subject and let it go. If the other person continues to want to push the issue you must bless them and move away from that person.

Many people in our lives are just toxic. They live to cause stress in every one’s life they come in contact with. They may be a family member or a very close friend. Most times there is nothing you can do to help this type of person other than distancing yourself from that person and praying for them to come to a new place in their lives were they see how their word hurt others.

Sometime a person judges out of anger for something unrelated to you. It might be a depression they don’t recognize. It might be a long ago hurt that was never resolved that bitters their heart and so they inflict that pain onto all they meet. You cannot judge another unless you have walked in their shoes. God knows their pain and God is the true judge of us all. He asks us to forgive and pray for those who are suffering pain we do not know about. For when we speak in anger to another God forgives us, we must also forgive those who speak to us in anger.

Do not do wrong to repay a wrong, and do not insult to repay an insult. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called to do this so that you might receive a blessing. The Scripture says, “A person must do these things to enjoy life and have many happy days. He must not say evil things, and he must not tell lies.” 1 Peter 3:9-10

Do not be bitter or angry or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:31-32


Angel of Praise

‘You are a gift, beautiful from the inside out. You are here for a special reason. Know you are loved and you love. Realize you are okay just the way you are, right now. Open to the light of God and shine as a star, a star of love. Be ready to experience praise in your life. When you express yourself as a child of God, good will result. You can help make a difference in other lives. Know this and seek the road where all creations are equal. You are wonderful and needed today and every day. Accept praise with grace.

We look in the mirror and for years we are not sure whom we see. We question the reflection. As we work through our lessons and work our way to finding explanations, we learn we are at one with God. We can have an abundance of riches, inside and out, if we allow our highest good to come into our lives.

The first step for any growth, anywhere and anytime, is belief in yourself. When you love yourself you are loving God’s creation. We were meant to be at one with God. We were meant to share in love and happiness. Open your heart and let the universal energy of love pour in.’

By Samara Anjelae

I pray that Christ will live in your hearts by faith and that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness to Christ’s love-how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is. Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19

This Prayer is so profound in that it speaks to so many things that all of us who suffer with chronic pain forget. For in our everyday struggle with the pain and depression we forget that we are not only worthy of love and we are loved by God. The pain has caused us to lose our sense of who we are and what is our purpose in life. We forget that through our faith in God He gives us a purpose. He has a plan that through faith all will be revealed to us in His time. Give your pain to the Lord and he will sooth your pain and bring you peace.

I know for me the only way to overcome the pain and depression is through faith. When I think the pain is too great and there is nothing that will relieve that pain. I think of Jesus on the cross dying for my sins and the great amount of suffering He did because he loved me. No, this doesn’t make the pain go away, but it helps me to not feel sorry for myself and move on through the pain. I never feel like giving up because I know Jesus suffered for me and never gave up on me.

In the story of the ‘Donkey in the well’ he kept stepping up over the dirt that others were trying to bury him in the well with. He fought though faith and perseverance and he was saved. Taking that step up over the dirt is never easy, but with Jesus all we need to do is keep looking up, take the hand of Jesus and climb over the dirt and to peace.

We are all worthy of God’s love. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past, you don’t need to be beautiful, rich or famous to receive that love, you just need to believe that you are a child of God and worthy of His love.

Dealing with chronic pain for long periods of time leads to an overwhelming sense of loneliness. We all need Love, Understanding and Support in order to survive. This loneliness leads to depression which increases our pain. We need to remember that God is always with us and loves us. Even at times when we don’t acknowledge Him he never leaves us. Reaching out to each other and sharing the word of God feeds our souls and fills us with the Holy Spirit granting us peace. I found that even at my lowest going to church and being with people of faith lifts me up letting me know that I am worthy of love, understanding and support from all who love the Lord.

We all need a hug. We all need someone to laugh, cry and share our life with. I have a wonderful group of internet family that even though we have never met I feel so close to them. I have the love of family, friends and a church where I feel love and support. I know that all of them are a gift from God.

So next time you look in the mirror see the love of God smiling back at you. Reach out to the Lord and give him all your burdens, loneliness and pain and He will give you peace.
By Garden Angel


Angel of Living

“We walk the road of life with many questions. Our thoughts become our reality. If we believe in our everlasting spirit we will live each day with reverence and awe. The body and soul that does not believe cannot truly live. To live is to love and to love is to have God in our hearts. Living is receiving knowledge. Know that we are provided with an abundance of riches. Tapping into the soul’s riches is tapping into our heart. When we unlock the passageway, we find ourselves on a journey, a journey to oneness with God. To breathe as if we were at one with God is to breathe life. Share your breath of life with others, and let the opulence overflow.

 Answers are given when our thoughts are transformed into ideas. When we live with loving and peaceful thoughts, we will create loving and peaceful actions. Remember that God is the highest good. It is our choice to hold that good in our hearts. May you be surrounded with the light of love and the light of direction. The only true light that exists is that of God. Hold on to it and walk in the light. Live your life as a child of God.”

By Samara Anjelae

With so many of my dear friends going though so many different difficult times I think this “Angel Prayer” applies to all of us. Life some time is just not fair or easy. For me, I believe that God is with me always. It isn’t always easy to give your burdens to the Lord and trust totally in Him. We think that we can do things on our own and our way. Giving in to the Lord and letting Him lead just isn’t in our nature.

I would like to tell you a story about a miracle that happened to my husband and me when we let God lead our lives. I had lost my job. We had used up every option to keep the house. I wasn’t able to go back to the work force due to my illness. I was waiting for SSDI to come through for 2 yrs. We had to make a very difficult decision to put the house on the market knowing that we would not make any profit on the sale. We didn’t have much money to spare, we didn’t know where we were going to go, but we had faith in God. We prayed and gave our future and our burdens to God.

About 5 yrs before, I had looked at apartments for when the kids would be grown up, and we would downsize for retirement. Have you ever walked into a place and just felt like it was home? That is the feeling I felt in the apartment I found, but it wasn’t the right time. So I gave the landlord my name and told her to let me know when the apartment was available again. Over the years I had checked in with her and the apartment was never available. Two weeks after we put the house on the market out of the blue the landlord called me to tell me the apartment was going to be open in 3 months if I was still interested. God had found us a place to live. One that I knew already felt like home. The first miracle from God.

We still had two problems for God to solve before we could move. The apartment didn’t allow pets and we didn’t have a buyer for the house. We had a wonderful 10 yr old dog called Morgan who we loved very much and no one to take him in. I called, emailed and thought about every option; we prayed that someone would come forward and give our baby puppy a good home. Time was short and neither a buyer nor someone to take Morgan had appeared. We made our plans for the move, we packed, and prayed.

One month before moving day I received a phone call from a man we didn’t know. He told us he had gotten an email with just our phone number and a short message “Dog needs good home”. He didn’t know who sent it or why he called, but he knew he had too. We talked for days about what we wanted for Morgan, and got to know him. Morgan liked him right away. He lived close to us and agreed we could come any time to see Morgan. After a trial weekend we let him take Morgan home with him. It was the saddest day for us. Losing the house was one thing, but losing my baby who kept me company everyday and never left my side was truly painful. The week after Morgan left we found a buyer for the house. To this day I tell everyone God gave Mike our phone number for we have never figured out who sent that email. Mike was our second miracle and the buyer was the third.

The miracle of Morgan was two fold Mike needed him too. He had suffered great professional and physical loss that year. He was sick, depressed and out of hope when the email came. He told me that email saved his life, Morgan had saved his life. For Mike had given up, and then Morgan gave him the love and hope he needed to go on. God knew Mike’s heart and he granted him a miracle too. Morgan died Sept 2007, I still miss him.

There have been many more miracles since then both big and small. Just when I think we are at our lowest and there is no hope God grants us another miracle. We have been truly blessed, our faith has grown stronger and the miracles have never stopped. So although I know how hard it is to give your burdens to the Lord completely. I can tell you from experience God does hear our prayers; He will carry our burdens and give us miracles.

 “Lord, even when I have trouble all around me, you will keep me alive. When my enemies are angry, you will reach down and save me by your power.” Psalm 138:7

“Jesus said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me.” John 14:1

“I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

“We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:3-9

By Garden Angel

Angel of Understanding

Use your mind, body and spirit to find the purpose of your Life. Once you have inner peace and clarity, your purpose becomes a reality of life. Life is no longer a mystery. There are still challenges, but they can be looked at in a different way and with a clearer perspective. Understand and know that everything we do is for the sole purpose of becoming one with God.  To express opposite vibrations is going against God's will.
 The mysteries of life do not have to be mysteries. Mysteries are mysteries because we do not understand them. Understanding comes as the soul searches and achieves wisdom.
 A spark of information or an affirmation often is all it takes to lead one to their spiritual path and purpose. With faith and dedication to one's faith, comes greater understanding of the truth of life. While it is painful and frustrating to see some souls take longer or struggle harder to resolve their own mysteries, it is an individual process that they must go through. We can give our love and support, and share our growth and knowledge, but they must seek their answer.
 By Samara Anjelae
 This book is so inspirational to me. There is a hope in it that reaches to my soul.
 When new members come to the FM board their very first question is "how can I deal with this pain? how can I still have a normal life with this dragon?" I know it was my first question and although it took a very long time to answer the question, the answer is yes, you can deal with the dragon and have a normal life. It might be a new and very different life than you had before with new limits and expectations but it can be a good life.
 We are as different as each snow flake, unique and beautiful. Each of us must find our own way though trail, error, faith and tears. When I first had to deal with the dragon I was lucky enough to find the board with a very special group of ladies who had been dealing with the dragon a very long time I learned all about the dragon from them. Each of them dealt with the dragon in a different ways.

Some found that they had other conditions along with FM, and they had to deal with those conditions which most of the time increased their FM pain. This was something I had to deal with too. I found that when my HE is in a storm my FM flares with it. At least that's how it was in the beginning. These wonderful wise women taught me so very much and helped me to start again in this new life I now have.

They taught me that "knowledge is power", that I have to fight the dragon and not give into him. That although my life will never be like the one I had before I have found though faith in God, love and support from FMily, Family and wonderful friends that life can still be worth living.
 So how do you get to this place of peace. One step at a time, one thing at a time, with faith in God to lead and guide you.
 No, it's not simple, it's not without pain, and yes, some people will just never understand. We were and are at the core, givers, now we need to be the one to receive. So is it any wonder that the people in our lives that know the before pain us have a hard time figuring out what to do with the after pain us. Is it any wonder that we ourselves do not know how to take their help and support without feeling guilty or less of a person.

Why do we feel this guilt? Who keeps telling us we need to do this and that or we will disappoint some one. We do that to ourselves. We think others think it so we tell ourselves we are less value because we can not do things like normal people do. Stop the guilt! Stop kicking yourself over and over for an expectation you are thinking someone else has of you, when in truth you are the only one expecting that unreachable expectation.

Learn to forgive yourself.  You did not ask for FM. You did nothing bad to deserve it. It just happened. There is no why, or going back, there is only going forward. You have to learn to take care of you first, be selfish. Once you learn how to take care of you, then you will be able to take care of others. You had to crawl before you learned to walk and this will be no different. Find something wonderful in your life, something that makes you feel wonderful, and is just for you, and do it! You are still a worth while human being that God loves. Be the best you that you can, no expectation, no regrets, just rest in God's loving peace knowing you are loved by Him.
Not all of us remember the before pain person, I do. For me the before pain person was only 6 yrs ago. I miss her, but I also like the new me too. I'm a gentler, friendlier and much more caring soul. To me it's a great improvement. To me God healed my soul when I got sick. To me I was sick before and now I'm healed. For God is not about your physical being he is about your soul, and mine was very far removed from God. So this "Angel of Understanding" speaks to me of that journey that I took to heal my soul and finding my new purpose following my Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ.

I hope this Angel has in some way spoke to your heart and given you new hope.


Angel of Clarity

When I was in the hospital my hubby gave me this wonderful book called Angel Prayers, by Samara Anjelae it's a sweet book that I though I would share with you.

Angel of Clarity

This to, shall pass. Change is a constant. Know that you do not have to stay in one place. When you suffer from frustration, try to look at the root of the problem.
Step outside the situation and see the cause.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
Do not try to force a solution.
Answers will eventually come.
Let the frustration pass and clear the mind before making decisions.
Many times we haven't received all the information that is needed to make a decision.
Ask that God provide the resources to move you out of the challenging moment.
Take what you learn from every experience and use it wisely in the next situation.
Life experiences are our way to grow.
Move forward, not backward.
Learn from your mistakes and continue having successes.
We have advances and setbacks to teach and prepare us.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Greet it with gratitude from what you have learned today

by Samara Anjelae

For me it means to take one day at a time, to learn from past mistakes, to trust in God to guide me though each challenge.
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