
Angel of Clarity

When I was in the hospital my hubby gave me this wonderful book called Angel Prayers, by Samara Anjelae it's a sweet book that I though I would share with you.

Angel of Clarity

This to, shall pass. Change is a constant. Know that you do not have to stay in one place. When you suffer from frustration, try to look at the root of the problem.
Step outside the situation and see the cause.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
Do not try to force a solution.
Answers will eventually come.
Let the frustration pass and clear the mind before making decisions.
Many times we haven't received all the information that is needed to make a decision.
Ask that God provide the resources to move you out of the challenging moment.
Take what you learn from every experience and use it wisely in the next situation.
Life experiences are our way to grow.
Move forward, not backward.
Learn from your mistakes and continue having successes.
We have advances and setbacks to teach and prepare us.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Greet it with gratitude from what you have learned today

by Samara Anjelae

For me it means to take one day at a time, to learn from past mistakes, to trust in God to guide me though each challenge.

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