
Angel of Hope

Angel of Hope

Join hands across the world. Join hearts across the world. Put aside differences. Appreciate that we are all beings of love wanting love and needing love. Look at each other with love and hope, not with hate and despair. Do not judge, just accept. Wrap positive thoughts around each other for comfort and warmth. Come out of the cold and dark to the sunshine of hope. Grow with vibrations of peace and spread them to everyone.

Strength comes when wisdom is gained. Every path leads to a solution. It is an aspiration to help all to the path where inner peace resides.

Love is a powerful word that needs to be heard and felt by many. Many have been on a hard-traveled road. There is hope for all beings. The beacons of the light of love bring hope to those who have no hope at all.

To see should reach and feel their own inner strength and harmony is love itself. Faith is a starting place. Gentleness will occur. A peaceful approach to achievement will be everlasting. Attainment to one’s purpose will unfold with every step and every breath taken. Be a transmitter of love, and hope will occupy your heart.

By Samara Anjelae

So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to Him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to Him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship. Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but change within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you: you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect. Romans 12:10-11, 13

Dear Lord,

Take these words that I have written and help me to explain how you opened my eyes. How you helped me to become that beacon of light to all I meet so that I may give them the same hope and peace you have given me.

Lord you were with me when my light went out and I could not find my way. I felt your presence leading me even though I did not know where You were leading me.

At first Lord I fought with you, I wanted to keep control of everything and there was a gentle tug of war. In time it became clear where you were leading me and I joyously followed You.

Since that dark time I have tried to be that person for others, that person that brings people to your light. You have taught me well and many have now come to you, not with my faith or on my path but following their own path as you have laid it before them. When you were teaching me I was the kind of person who thought everyone needed to be the same as me. You showed me that everyone has their own path and through you they will find the right one.

I see so many who are lost and have lost all their hope. I go to them and share my story. I listen to their story and try to give them a little of my hope like a seed I carefully plant it and hope that it grows. I tend it like a good gardener would and sometime it grows to a strong hope that is alive and whole. Many times it gets off to a good start them withers and dies, and no amount of tending can get it to grow again. But you have taught me to not give up even as the hope dies there still might be a small piece deep inside still holding on to that hope. I might not see it till once again it shines.

When someone comes to know you Lord and I have been a light for them to find you it makes me glow. I see that hope and peace in them and many times they will thank me for bringing that hope back into their life. I tell them it is not anything I have done, it is the Lord working through me, I am a vessel for his light to lead the way to the Lord.

The Lord gives me the words like he is now to bring back that hope and peace to all that I meet who are lost in the dark like I was.

I feel so blessed and I praise my Lord every day for helping me to see His light and for leading me to a path that I can be a small light out of the darkness and to the light of the Lord. For I’m not perfect, I’m human and still make mistakes. Sometime my little candle gets dim and I lose my way again. Then I pray and I see the light ahead again and I know it’s my Lord leading me back to the right path again.

To me that is what a good gardener should be someone who plants the seeds for the Lord and helps them to grow to know Jesus Christ our Lord. The Lord knows that even a good gardener can have seeds that won’t grow or seeds that will never be as strong as other seeds, but we should never give up on our garden for we were once a seed that God helped grow and he never gave up on me and I thank Him every day for that. I thank him for all the many wonderful blessings God has brought to my life.

I truly believe that the day my health and life changed God was with me leading me and although I resisted I’m so happy I finally came to His light.

Right now it seems the whole world is in the dark. So many are going through so many trials and have lost their way. Those of us who carry the light of the Lord our God and Savoir need to seek out those that are lost and give them hope and peace. Each of us should help even one person into the light of the Lord and out of darkness.

When I met someone in the darkness I take their hand, I help them sow a tiny seed of hope and teach them how to make it grow in the warm sunshine.

Will you join me in the garden and help others plant a seed of hope? I promise you it’s the most wonderful job you’ll ever have.

The Garden Angel

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