
Angel of Forgiveness

The ability to forgive is a true test of growth. When the heart and mind are in conflict, the body carries the stress of the situation. Carrying anger and resentment is not in the body’s best interest. The body gets sick. If resentment is carried for long periods of time, the body becomes a home for disease.

How do you learn to forgive, especially if much harm and hurt have taken place? Trust the universe to provide the proper action. The wise soul knows that we reap what we sow. When we learn to forgive others, we also learn to forgive ourselves. True forgiving comes from the heart. Words cannot create the feelings. Serenity replaces resentment and anger. The process of letting go differs for each soul. Some souls must experience different phases of hurt and anger for their own growth.

Let go of what you cannot control and accept your responsibilities. Peace and a shift in consciousness will come. This lays a smoother foundation for the next lesson on forgiveness. The soul, who forgives and releases their resentment, moves to a place of tranquility and serenity. Forgivingness is the key to your own liberation.

If you truly forgive, then it reflects in your life and provides encouragement and hope for those around you. During this time when you need to be forgiven or need to forgive someone, reach out and ask for angelic help.

By Samara Anjelae

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord when my fellow believer sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Should I forgive him as many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he does wrong to you seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18:21-22

But I say to you, Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. Matthew 5:44
Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Many times in life others will do things that hurt you. As a Christian God asks that we forgive our enemies as God forgave our sins. So many times the pain of the hurt runs deep into our soul and that pain is hard to forgive, and impossible to forget. Holding on to resentment, anger and pain can create more physical and mental pain in the long run. Revenge is never sweet but only causes more pain.

So what can we do as Christians when we are hurt by others? When I have been in this situation I try to remember that God knows my heart and that of the person who hurt me. He asks me to forgive and pray for that person.

God gave each of us free will, and by giving us free will we are free to make our own choices and thus our own mistakes. Some choices hurt others and sometime we do not see that that choice hurts another. So we go on never knowing how much that one choice hurt another. They might be so blind to how that choice hurt another that even when we are told how that choice hurt another we will still do not see it.

When a lie or rumor is spread about us. Arguing about who is right and who is wrong never proves anything. He said, She said never brings out the truth. God knows the truth of your soul. God knows the truth of the other person’s soul. Because trying to change others feelings or changing their views of how they see things is impossible it’s better to just forgive them, pray for them and give it to the Lord to sort it out. I know this is very hard to do; I have been there many times. I have found that by forgiving that person, letting them know you understand that you cannot change their point of view and that you truly do not hold any ill will toward them, then truly give it to the Lord. End the subject and let it go. If the other person continues to want to push the issue you must bless them and move away from that person.

Many people in our lives are just toxic. They live to cause stress in every one’s life they come in contact with. They may be a family member or a very close friend. Most times there is nothing you can do to help this type of person other than distancing yourself from that person and praying for them to come to a new place in their lives were they see how their word hurt others.

Sometime a person judges out of anger for something unrelated to you. It might be a depression they don’t recognize. It might be a long ago hurt that was never resolved that bitters their heart and so they inflict that pain onto all they meet. You cannot judge another unless you have walked in their shoes. God knows their pain and God is the true judge of us all. He asks us to forgive and pray for those who are suffering pain we do not know about. For when we speak in anger to another God forgives us, we must also forgive those who speak to us in anger.

Do not do wrong to repay a wrong, and do not insult to repay an insult. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called to do this so that you might receive a blessing. The Scripture says, “A person must do these things to enjoy life and have many happy days. He must not say evil things, and he must not tell lies.” 1 Peter 3:9-10

Do not be bitter or angry or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:31-32

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