
A Mother's Prayer

Make me a wise mother, O Lord.

Keep me calm and give me patience to bear the small, irritating things in the daily routine of life.

Give me tolerance and understanding to bridge the gulf between my generation and that of my children.

Let me not be too ready to guide my children's stumbling feet, but allow me to be ever near to bind their bruises.

Give me a sense of humor that I may laugh with them never at them. Let me refrain from preaching with words.

Keep me from forcing their confidences, but give me a sympathetic ear when my children come to me.

Help me to teach them that life must not be filled with compromises, but must be replete with victories.

Make me humble. Keep my children close to me, Oh Lord, though miles may separate us.

Let Thy light so shine on me that they, too, will perceive thy glory.


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