
The Million Ways by ~ Joseph J. Mazzella ~

After almost two weeks of constant cloudiness I saw the sun again today. It was like greeting an old friend that I hadn’t seen in years. It lit up not only the sky and the Earth but my soul as well.
I smiled towards the Heavens and thanked God for this beautiful sight. I knew too that it was just one of the million ways that God says, “I love you” to us everyday. In fact, if I started writing on all the ways that God lets us know just how much He loves us then I would never stop. I would like to share just a few of them with you here, though.
There are those unexpected hugs from our kids, that shining light in another’s eyes when they love you, the laughter of a child, a puppy licking your hand, a kitten purring on your lap, a new baby’s smile, and the first songs of the birds in the Spring.
There are also the delightful smells of Spring flowers and Fall leaves, plus warm sweaters, warm hearts, and hot chocolate on cold, Winter days. Let’s not forget either inspiring books, encouraging words, beautiful music, and the peace that prayer brings.
We are also blessed with caring friends, good-hearted neighbors, and compassionate strangers who bring us comfort in times of need. Then we have all those obstacles that make us steer off the wrong road and onto the right path as well as all those problems that make us stronger, better, and more loving people.
God’s wondrous love flows through all of these things and through our own hearts and souls as well.
That is why I find the best way to start any day is to say, “I love you too dear God and I thank you for my life here.”
God loves us all so much. He says it in a million ways everyday of our lives. His love is all around us and within us as well. His love watches over us in this life and His love promises us an even greater life to come. His love and the joy it brings are His gifts to us. Let’s make them our gifts to each other as well.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella ~

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