
Fibromyalgia symtoms

(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Restless Leg Syndrome)
*Indicates most prevalent

* Brain Fog
Trouble concentrating - can't recall words (anomia) /names - using wrong word - memory lapses - lose track of present location - overwhelmed performing multiple tasks - low mental acuity - varies from day to day

* Pain
Usually both left and right side - in soft tissues - feels like "bones hurt" - generalized - radiating - gnawing - numbness, tingling, prickling, "pins and needles" - aching/burning in hands, arms, feet, legs, and sometimes face/jaw - some pain always present - firm touch can cause discomfort - worse in morning, improves throughout day, worsens at night - affected by activity level, weather, sleep patterns, stress, and foods - burning skin

* Stiffness
Worse on awakening and after sitting or standing in one position
muscle tightness/lack of flexibility, especially legs, back, shoulders

* Fatigue
Chronic - moderate/severe/extreme exhaustion - disabling - muscle twitching - muscle weakness - shakiness - long periods of sleeping - strong need to fall asleep/a quick nap often refreshes, but unrelenting fatigue returns

* Exercise intolerance
Too much or wrong exercise may worsen FMS symptoms

* Emotional/Serotonin Reuptake
"Serotonin Cluster of Symptoms" :
Anxiety/panic - depression - obsessive compulsive - procrastination.
Not all Fibros have these, but if have one of them, and it came with FMS, they usually have the cluster of all four. Caused by Serotonin Reuptake. Can be effectively treated by taking a good SSRI med - at night. (over-the-counter alternatives are 5HTP and SamE)

Emotional liability (change) - easily irritated/dissatisfied with work, home and life in general - "negative minded", depersonalization (world feels vague, not real), trouble recognizing faces.

* Weakness
Body wide - suddenly drop objects - clumsy hands - poor grip - extreme weakness all over

Impaired - can be in all areas - can't pick feet up

* Mobility
Forward body posture /typing, desk sitting, assembly line work can cause chest and upper body (thoracic) pain/dysfunction. Unable to move body if severe

* Disequilibrium / balance
Tilting causes disorientation/nausea - dizziness - light-headedness - not able to adjust quickly

* Tender Points
Painful, sensitive locations on the body corresponding to branching of the arteries.

Restless Leg Syndrome
Periodic limb movement disorder - during sleep or awake

* Sleep
Trouble falling asleep - waking at all hours - not rested when awake - easily awakened - abnormal sleep patterns - chronic insomnia

* Sensitivity
Over-sensitive to smell, noise, bright or flickering light - normal sounds can be excruciating, certain foods, medicines - change in weather - feeling cold or hot when others are not, "paresthesia" = abnormal neurological sensations
"hyperesthesia" = increased neurological sensations

* Hair
Thinning - dry - dull

* Fingernails / toenails
Soft and break - ridges

Itching - rash - small "rice like" bumps - nicks bleed more easily - greasier skin - Deep painful blemishes on face, torso, arms and legs - nose tender/outbreaks on the sides, sarcoma (sub-cutaneous painful swelling that can't open to surface). Blisters on scalp. Pilomotor phenomenon (goose bumps).

Insufficient is more common, but some FM's sweat profusely. May be very acidic, causing intense itching.

* Hands / Feet
Numbness, tingling - not flexible - palms and soles of feet blotchy - poor hand-eye - calluses and corns on feet more painful and irritating - dry - in severe FMS hands can lose all activity and turn back toward arms, palms first

* Swelling
Sensation of swelling (edema) in hands and feet - ankles, calves - throughout body

Chronic - "ice pick" - muscular (tension) and severe migraine headaches - often from trapped HA in narrow passages in sinus. It swells, creating severe pressure.

Problems with focus/skeletal tracking muscles of the eyes - "visual confusion" and nausea. Vision not clear - like looking through Saran Wrap - frequent prescription changes - don't sparkle. Dry or burning.

Ears / Hearing
Reduced acuity - feel stuffy - tinnitus (ringing or whining in ears) - waxier - may feel damp inside

* Sinus
Chronic problems - closed-up feeling in nose and sinuses - sinus infections - easily catch colds and flu - chronic runny nose - non-allergic rhinitis = nasal congestion / discharge and sinus pain - post nasal drip causes throat problems

* Mouth
Tongue sore / swollen taste buds - tender gums/backside of lips and roof of mouth blistered - dry - white coat on tongue like soft sand grains as taste buds shed abnormally - excess mucus - yellow scum on teeth

Very acidic - pH test may frequently show only 5.0 and up. Ideal body pH is 7.40

* Teeth
Grinding and clinching during sleep - splitting /cracking - require caps

TMJ - Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome

Trouble swallowing - weak, coarse voice - choking - spasms if food too dry

*Acid Reflux/GERD
Often not relieved by proton pump inhibitor meds - ulcerated esophagus

* Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Alternating constipation and diarrhea - spastic colon - cramps - bloating - ulcerative gastritis

* Urination
Very frequent - incontinence/leaking - urgent - typically in the absence of a bladder infection - odd odor or color, female urethral syndrome

Rapid or irregular heart rate - congestion can mimic heart blockage symptoms

Orthostatic Intolerance
Drop in BP and heart rate on standing - tilting backward causes disorientation

shortness of breath - wheezing - deep hard cough

* Neck
Stiff - cracks & pops - sore with movement - grinds

Bulged/herniated discs in lumbar - stiff - sore - back "goes out" - weakness - pain

* Axial skeletal pain
In cervical spine, anterior chest, thoracic spine, or low back

Stenosis of Spine (narrowing inside spinal canal)
tests show but may be due only to lack of fluid

Carpal Tunnel
EMG tests will show this, but with treatment for Fibromyalgia can clear up immediately

* Cartilage
grinds down - knees, etc. noisy, rough, painful

*Costochondralgia (costochondritis)
ain where ribs meet sternum, mistaken for heart disease

* Weight gain
Puffy all over - gain for no reason

Pelvic / Female Reproductive Problems :
No periods - skipped periods

Dysmenorrhea - difficult and painful menstruation - cramps

Dyspareunia - painful sexual intercourse

Dysuria - painful urination

Bladder Infection

Endometriosis - tissue resembling uterine mucous membrane occurs in pelvic cavity

Vulvadynia - unprovoked burning, stinging, irritation or rawness of the female genitalia



Libido (physical passion) - can be low or non-existent

Vaginal lubrication - can be inadequate or non-existent

Manifestation of symptoms: severity, presentation and location lead to separate diagnosis, although believed to be related to FMS:

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
very painful spots (trigger points) form in taut bands in muscles or other connective tissues

Sleep apnea

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
One of the valves of the heart bulges during a heartbeat - causes click or murmur

Reynaud’s phenomenon
Intermittent bilateral attacks of ischemia (low oxygen state) of fingers, toes, ears or nose, marked by severe pallor, paraesthesia and pain. Cold or emotional stimuli trigger it / heat relieves. A circulatory problem affecting the small blood vessels of skin.

dry mucous membranes, as of the eyes and mouth

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndromes
Ulcerative Gastritis
Ulcerated Esophagus

Related / other names

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (viral precursor to FMS)
Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
Myalgic Encephalopathy
Muscular Rheumatism
Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Nonarticular Rheumatism
Periarticular Fibrositis
Rheumatoid Myositis
Tension Myalgia

May be related or subset of symptoms:

Polymalgia rheumatica
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
Gulf War Syndrome / some cases
Peripheral Neuropathy / some cases - cannot feel heat, cold, etc, correctly in extremities
Rheumatoid Arthritis - recent research shows deficiencies of Hyaluronan in joints

Often mistaken with:
Hypothyroidism (low thyroid production)
Systemic lupus
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
"Growing pains" - especially if the child has difficulty sleeping.
Lyme disease
Post Polio Syndrome
Adult ADD
Hypochondrias is - preoccupation with body health / thinking something is wrong

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