
Morning Stretches

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Laying Down

Allow your chset and shoulders to relax, breathe in through your nose, pushing your belly button up to the ceiling-keeping the chest and shoulders quiet. Exhale, and let your belly fall. You may place a phone book on your belly to ensure you are completeing correctly. Watch for the phone book to raise and fall as you breathe. Inhale count to 4 and exhale to the count of 4.

Sitting and Standing

Allow your chest and shoulders to relax, push your belly into the waistband of your pants and inhale to the count of 4 and exhale to the count of 4. Be sure to check that your shulders and chest are quiet.

Morning Stretches

Ok, now that we have the breathing down remember to do them with each and every stretch. This is very important. The deep breathing will bring oxygen to your muscles and helps heal them. it helps to get rid of Fibro fog too.

The other thing to always remember is to never over stretch a muscle. If the movement hurts your pulling to hard back off a little and wait till that muscle relaxes and move a little futher.
that said:

Stand straight, arms up, head straight and reach to the ceiling with your hands. Legs should be shoulder with apart. Remember to breathe.

Bend over slowly to the floor. As you go down bend your knees slightly. Go down as far as you can and relax, just let your body stretch out on it's own. As you feel your muscles relax go a little further and breathe. Try to touch the floor.

Come up slowly start with your butt and slowly pull up with your back muscles. It's more a roll than a pull up to standing. You can do these as much as you like till you feel your muscle are stretched and relaxed.

Standing Straight, arms out straight even with your shoulders, turn your palm up with your thumbs facing toward your back. Pull your shoulders down and back. Bring your hands down and toward your back, try to bring your hands together in back of you as far as you can, and hold as long as you can. Remember to keep you shoulders down and pulled back. Breathe.

Sitting on your bed or chair. Bring your leg up straight. Hold, then change legs. Try pointing your foot out and in on each leg and breathe.

Sitting on your bed. Put one leg up flat on the bed and the other hanging off the bed. Relax your leg and slowly lean into your leg. Point toes in and out. Relax your shoulders, neck, etc and breathe. Change legs and repeat.

Sitting on the bed, feet flat on the floor. Bring one arm streight up and bend over to your side. Support yourself with the oppsite arm with elbow bent. Relax your neck, keep your back straight, keep your arm paralle to your body and breathe. As you inhale really pull your stomach muscles in and push them out hard on the exhale. As with everything don't over stretch wait till your muscles relax and go alittle further. To switch sides bring your hand around the front of you and lean on the other elbow and stretch the other arm up and over. Kind of like a dance move.

Neck stretches. Sitting on the bed, feet flat on the floor. shoulders down and pulled back. sit straight up.

Hang your head forward, relax, breathe. Slowly bring your head up and back, hold and breathe.
Slowly bring your head straight and turn to the side and lower your chin to your shoulder, hold and breath. Do the other shoulder, hold and breathe.

Tilt your head to one side, relax, hold and breathe. Do the other side.

Remember only go as far as you are comfortable, relax everything, shoulder down and back and Breathe.

Lay on your bed, arms at your side, hands palms up. Stretch out so you are streight and your pelvis is tilted up slightly. Inhale and pull your stomach up and in as far as you can, tilt your pelvis up and tighten up your butt muscles. Exhale and blow out and push your stomach out as far as you can, push your back into the bed. This is equal to doing sit-ups with out hurting your body. So really pull and push with your breathing.

You can add pointing your toe up and down.

I do as many of these as I can.

It really clears your head too.

This one is hard to discribe. Roll onto your side, bring the leg on top back, relax the other leg. Turn your shoulders and arm flat on the bed. Cross your arms under your face and pull with your leg and elbows till you feel a pull in your groin. hold and breath. Change to the other side.
Sit on your bed with your legs in a V. Bend forward slowly, rest your arms on your legs, head down, relax and breathe. As your leg muscle relax go further. If you can put your hands on the bottom of your feet, relax and breath. Then after you have relaxed in that position fold your arms between your knees and relax and breathe. Concentrate on your breathing and relaxing your muscles. Slowly come up using your arms on your legs to help you up back to a sitting position, bring your legs together and breathe.

You're done. I have been doing these everyday for almost 3 months and I feel so much better.

You don't even brake a sweat and you stretch all your muscles without hurting them.

Remember to go slow, pull only to the point before pain, relax everything and do your deep breathing with all of them.

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