
Getting Through Christmas by Garden Angel

Suggestions for getting through Christmas:
 1. The Golden Rule: Pace yourself. Try this, do 2 things at once for 15-30 mins each job and switch when time is up. Example: sit down and wrap presents, stand up and decorate the tree. Make cookies and write Christmas cards. Get the idea do something standing then something sitting.

2. Keep things simple: Pear down your expectations of the holidays. Do you really need to decorate every inch of your house? The days of the Norman Rockwell paintings are over. Settle on simple and cozy. Instead of the big dinner do a pot luck, no theme just what ever they want to bring. I have done this for 3 yrs now and we love it. No turkey or ham just munches and fun relaxing times. We set out the food as everyone gets there and when someone is hungry they grab a plate and munch.

3. Delegation: I always use the store scooters for shopping. I know pride comes in there but I drop pride when I can get home and not be in so much pain. For stores that don't have scooters delegate to someone who will be going there anyway or shop online.

Yes, significant other can do some of the shopping. lol Give them a list and see how well they do. I have found men are great for errands as they go in the store, get and go. Unlike ladies who wander for hours and forget why they came in the store in the first place.

I have dinners (I order pizza) and invite family over and together we put up my tree, unload my snowman collection and help shop or wrap misc presents. We have even done this for cookies. If family isn't close invite close friends over, then help at their house in return. It will be fun and helpful at the same time.

4. Start early: Don't wait till the last min. Start making lists as early as possible. Get your shopping on line done. Gift cert can be bought any time and online. We do our name picking on Labor day so everyone can get it done slowly. Who ever is hosting the gathering draws names and lets everyone know who to buy for.

5. Get plans ready asap: Who is hosting, who is going where, who will help with shopping, what everyone will bring? My family is the most disorganized bunch so my job all the time is to keep them on task and up to date on changes. Thanks to email we are all connected and I don't have to make tons of calls to everyone. Normally I send out a who, what, and where email in Sept when the name drawing is done. Reminders and update go out each month.

6. Rest don't stay up all night worrying about things. Write things down and put the note where you will see it in the morning. Sleep and down time are important if you are going to make it to new yr. When you plan your schedule for the week plan a whole day of nothing to regroup and rest. Things will get done faster and with less stress if your rested.

7. Make a list of who you are shopping for and what before you leave for the store. Search the sales, clip the coupons, set limits on cost for each person and stick to it. Everyone is short on money and sticking to your budget and planning are a must when money is tight. In my family we pick names and buy for all the kids (ages 0 to 16), we only have 5 so it's not to bad. I figure out what I have to spend, this yr only 300 for all the presents and divided by 9, around 30 bucks each. I made my list and hit the store and got it all done in one stop. Difficult ppl get a gift cert for that amount and I chose not to sweat it.

8. Enjoy and share: Remember this is a time to spend with those you love. Tell them you love them. Live, laugh and love.

9. Remember the true reason for the season. Go to church or whatever and rejoice in whatever faith you have.

10. Take care of you, need I say more.

Here is a website with great additional ideas for the holidays. http://flylady.com/pages/HolidayCruising3.asp

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